National forest monitoring systems for REDD+ reporting

Iraq Room (FAO Headquarters)
 Rome time

The workshop will gather experts from the twenty focus countries of the IKI-funded project on "National forest monitoring and information systems" in addition to other staff from countries where Collect Earth was successfully applied and countries that are expected to be included in the next phase of the project.

The objective is to provide guidance on land use and forest monitoring aimed to achieve a Greenhouse Gas inventory, wrap-up and share past and current applications with Collect Earth and plan future activities at country and regional level.


Tuesday afternoon session


Country presentation – Morocco. Abdelmoula Lefhaili. Ingénieur en chef au Service des Etudes et de l'Inventaire Forestier National (High Commissioner for Water and Forestry and for the Fight against Desertification, Morocco).


Country presentation – Tunisia. Kamel Aloui. Ingénieur Principal Eaux et Forêts. Chef de service: Inventaire et Evaluation, Direction Générale des Forêts, Tunisie.


Country presentation – Algeria: Système de surveillance des forêts pour un processus REDD+ transparent et véridique - Collect Earth - Utilité et perspectives. Wahid Tefiani. Chef de Bureau des Etudes d’Aménagement Forestier, Direction Générale des forêts, Algeria.


Database for emissions reporting at Tier 1. Francesco Tubiello. Senior Statistician, Statistics Division, FAO.


Country presentation – Kyrgyzstan. Venera Surappaeva. State Agency on Environment Protection and Forestry (SAEPF), Kyrgyzstan.


Country presentation – Tajikistan: Land-Use and Forest Monitoring. Madibron Saidov. Director of Forestry, Tajikistan.


Country presentation – Bhutan. Lobzang Dorji. Chief Forest Officer, Forest Resources Management Division (FRMD), Bhutan.


Country cases discussion. Adia Bey. Geospatial Analyst and Trainer, Forestry Department, FAO.



Topics: Forestry
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