Global Symposium on Soil Organic Carbon

GSOC17 - Themes / Challenges: 1st Parallel Session on Theme 2

Red Room (FAO Headquarters)
 Rome time

The 2nd plenary session will consist of 5 scientific presentations which will introduce the diverse challenges linked with GSOC17 themes. Carbon sequestration, SOC reaction to climate change, estimation of SOC changes and MRV techniques related with SOC are part of the numerous topics that will be tackled.


This session will be followed by the 1st parallel session on theme 2 (Maintaining and/or increasing SOC stocks for climate change mitigation and adaptation and Land Degradation Neutrality). SOC management techniques will be the main topic discussed during this session.

Topics: Agriculture & crops,Climate change,Environment/Natural resources,Food Security,Nutrition
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17:30 Rome time
17:30 Rome time