Committee on Commodity problems (CCP)

Trade and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Green Room (FAO Headquarters)
 Rome time

The event presents a unique platform for dialogue and discussion, with the following primary objectives:


- Inform and sensitize the Members about the state of play of the WTO agricultural trade negotiations and the preparation for the 11th WTO Ministerial Conference;


- Debate and highlight the role of trade in achieving food security and improved nutrition and the articulation of food security needs in the multilateral trading system, in the context of the 2030 Agenda


14:00 - 14:20

  •   Opening /   introduction
  •   Opening remarks

-   Mr Khaled El-Taweel, CCP Chairperson

-     Mr José Graziano   da Silva, FAO Director-General

-   Mr Roberto Azevêdo, WTO Director-General (Video   message)

Session 1: WTO agricultural negotiations and preparation   for WTO Ministerial Conference

14:20   - 15:00

State   of play of the WTO agricultural negotiations

-   Mr Alan Wolff, Deputy Director-General, WTO

-   Mr Edwini Kessie, Director, Agriculture and   Commodities Division, WTO

15:00   - 15:30

WTO   Ministerial Conference: Preparation and expectations

-   Minister Gabriel Arturo Martinez, Deputy Permanent   Representative of the Argentinean Mission to International Organizations in   Geneva and Chief Negotiator in Agriculture

15:30   - 16:00

Q&A   session


Launch of the FAO E-Learning   Course on Trade, Food Security and Nutrition

and the release of   Policy Guidance Note 9 on Trade

Session 2: Trade and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable   Development

16:15   - 17:45

Panel/Plenary   debate

(Interactive session)

-   Mr Ricardo Meléndez-Ortiz, Chief Executive Officer,   International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD)

-   Ms Carmel Cahill, Deputy Director, Trade and   Agriculture Directorate, OECD

-   Mr Jamie Morrison, Strategic Programme Leader, Food Systems Programme, FAO

17:45   – 18:00

Closing   of the event


Topics: Food safety & consumer protection,Food Security,SDGs
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