International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers - Day 2 Afternoon Session

Plenary Hall (FAO Headquarters)
 Rome time

FAO hosts The International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers in Rome (21-23 November 2018) aims to accelerate the pace of innovation in agriculture to overcome the challenges of the 21st century. This multistakeholder Symposium will highlight success stories of agricultural innovation and act as a catalyst to boost new partnerships and investments. About 500 people will come together to learn about what leads to successful innovation as well as opportunities to scale up agricultural innovation for family farmers.


- Keynote address 3 (broadcast in the Red Room)


- Parallel session 5: Driving successful innovation through effective decision-making and innovative partnerships


- Reporting from parallel sessions 3-6


Hashtag: #AgInnovation

Topics: Rural or agricultural development
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