Small Island Developing States (SIDS)

Gender, value chains and sustainable tourism in SIDS

Virtual Meeting
 Rome time

This webinar will showcase innovative practices linking gender equality, climate change and sustainable tourism in SIDS and discuss how multistakeholder partnerships can enable successful initiatives for empowering women in agribusiness. It will concretely address the three pillars of sustainability (social, economic and environmental) through various examples: sustainable tourism value chain in Palau; experiences of the Indigenous community of Runashitu from Ecuador; and Taselotzin Masehual Organization, which works on women´s rights and economic empowerment in an Indigenous community in Mexico. Climate risks and crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic will also be explored, considering their impacts on tourism, agribusiness development for women and food security.


Hashtag: #GenderinSIDS

Topics: Meeting
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17:30 Rome time
17:30 Rome time