168th FAO Council

168th Session of the FAO Council - Day 2 Morning Session

Virtual Meeting
 Rome time


Item 8: Reports of the 131st (Special) (Rome, 29 July 2021) and 132nd (Rome, 8-12 November 2021) Sessions of the Programme Committee (CL 168/8; CL 168/19) 8.1 Update on the development of the new FAO Strategy on Climate Change (CL 168/21) 8.2 The outline and roadmap of the “FAO Science and Innovation Strategy” (CL 168/22)

Item 9: Reports of the 186th (7-9 June 2021), 187th (Rome, 28-29 October 2021) and 188th (Rome, 8-12 November 2021) Sessions of the Finance Committee (CL 168/9; CL 168/16; CL 168/20)

9.1 Audited Accounts - FAO 2020 (C 2023/5 A; C 2023/5 B)
9.2 Status of Current Assessments and Arrears (CL 168/LIM/2)

Topics: Conference-Council
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