168th FAO Council

168th Session of the FAO Council - Day 3 Afternoon / Evening Session

Virtual Meeting
 Rome time

Item 13: Code of Conduct for Voting CL 168/10 - Report of the 113th Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (paragraphs 20-21)
Item 15: Selection and Appointment of Secretaries of Article XIV Bodies (CL 168/17) CL 168/10 - Report of the 113th Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (paragraphs 22-24)
Item 17: World Food Programme:
17.1 Election of Six Members of the WFP Executive Board (CL 168/15.1; CL 168/LIM/4)

Item 22: Any Other Matters
Written Correspondence Procedure – draft conclusions only
Item 4: FAO’s Response to COVID-19: Building to Transform (CL 168/4)
CL 168/7 - Report of the Joint Meeting of the 132nd Session of the Programme Committee and 188th Session of the Finance Committee (paragraph 11)
4.1 Food Coalition (CL 168/4.1)
Item 5: The Hand-in-Hand Initiative (CL 168/5)
CL 168/8 - Report of the 132nd Session of the Programme Committee (paragraph 7)


Topics: Conference-Council
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