The 16th Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures - Session 4

Virtual Meeting
 Rome time

12. Financial Report and Budget
12.1 IPPC Secretariat financial report 2021
12.2 2022 IPPC Secretariat Work Plan and Budget
13. Update on the emerging pests activities
14. Update on ePhyto activities
15. International Year of Plant Health Legacies
15.1 Update on the first International Plant Health Conference
15.2 Update on International Day of Plant Health
16. External Cooperation
16.1 Update on international cooperation
16.2 Written reports from international organizations
17. IPPC Network Activities
17.1 Report from Technical Cooperation among regional plant protection organizations
17.2 Update on the 2021 IPPC Regional Workshops
18. Memberships and Potential Replacements for CPM Bureau, CPM Standards Committee and the Implementation and Capacity Development Committee
18.1 Membership and Potential Replacements for CPM Bureau
18.2 Membership and Potential Replacements for CPM Standards Committee
18.3 Membership and Potential Replacements for Implementation and Capacity Development Committee
19. Any other business
20. Date and Venue of the Next Session


Hashtags: #CPM16 #PlantHealth

Topics: Meeting
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