COFO26 - WFW2022

WFW2022 Event: Indonesia's plans for carbon-positive forests by 2030

Virtual Meeting
 Rome time

Launch of State of Indonesia's Forests 2022.

The State of Indonesia's Forests 2022 highlights the important role of Indonesia's tropical forests in tackling global climate change.

As stated in Indonesia’s 2021 NDC, the Government has committed to reducing GHG emissions by 29 percent against business-as-usual (BAU) scenario through its own efforts (unconditional) and up to 41 percent with necessary international assistance (conditional) by 2030, in order to reduce climate change-related risks. Of the 29 percent unconditional target, 17.2 percent will be achieved through the forestry sector.

Furthermore, in Indonesia’s Long-Term Strategy for Low Carbon and Climate Resilience 2050 (LTS-LCCR), the Government envisages achieving the Forestry and Other Land Use Net Carbon Sink by 2030, the so-called FOLU Net Sink 2030. It is a set of strategic measures to reduce around 140 million tons of CO2e by 2030 from the FOLU sector that have been successfully prepared and now started to be implemented on the ground.

This event has three objectives:

  1. Launch of the State of Indonesia's Forests 2022 highlighting the important role of Indonesia's tropical forests in tackling global climate.
  2. Present Indonesia’s ambition and strategies to achieve a carbon net sink in the Forestry and Other Land Use (FOLU) sector by 2030.
  3. Highlight the links between sustainable forest management, forest restoration (including mangroves) and peatlands for their contribution to the target to reduce emissions in the forestry and other land use sector.
Topics: Forestry
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