COFO26 - WFW2022

WFW2022 Special Event: Directing funding where it matters: financing national and local stakeholders for actions to halt deforestation and implement sustainable forestry

Virtual Meeting
 Rome time

This special event will inform participants about the latest development, opportunities and continuing challenges faced by smallholder producer organizations to access finance to make agri-food systems, including forestry, more inclusive and sustainable.

Objectives include:

  • Share experiences of how financing mechanisms are being designed and implemented at national and local level, including by indigenous and community organizations.
  • Share lessons learned from initiatives to mobilize finance from multiple sources, including climate finance and value chain finance, and for forest and farm producer organizations.
  • Discuss issues, lessons and prospects to scale up climate financing for forests, including through indigenous people, producer organizations, and other forest value chain actors.
Topics: Forestry
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17:30 Rome time
17:30 Rome time