
Opening of Science and Innovation Forum: Power of science - Are we doing enough to harness the potential of science and innovation to achieve the SDGs?

Virtual Meeting
 Rome time

Science and innovation are powerful components of evidence-based decision-making at all levels and key to transforming agrifood systems and achieving the SDGs. The 2030 Agenda for sustainable development positioned Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) as a key means of implementation of the SDGs. In 2021, the UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) affirmed the need to invest in science and innovation for the SDGs. The landscape of science and innovation is continuously evolving and providing new opportunities for achieving the 2030 Agenda. The opening session of the science and innovation forum with the Chief Scientists of the UN agencies will focus on how science can contribute and provide innovative solutions to achieve the SDGs, with due consideration to social and ethical dimensions, leaving no one behind.

The session will also emphasize the need for coordinated and effective science communication at all levels and reiterate the role of the UN as one of the main sources of consolidated and reliable scientific information for achieving the SDGs and to serve as a neutral platform for continued dialogue on the opportunities and risks associated with technologies and innovations.

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