FAO's Science and Innovation Strategy: What's Next?
Rome time
Recognizing the importance and urgency of leveraging the potential of science and innovation to overcome complex social, economic and environmental challenges of agrifood systems in a globally equitable, inclusive and sustainable manner, FAO’s first-ever Science and Innovation Strategy (the Strategy) was designed through an inclusive, transparent and consultative process as a key tool to support the delivery of the Strategic Framework 2022-31 and hence the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Strategy emphasizes the importance of identifying and responding to local needs, adapting solutions to the relevant contexts and avoiding a one-size-fits-all approach. It also aims to bolster recent efforts by FAO to strengthen the contribution of science and innovation by providing Organization-wide guidance, coherence and alignment. The event will provide a platform to Members, ranging from those with very advanced use of science and innovation to those facing multiple crises that impede their access to science and innovation. It will also promote exchange among Members on their priorities in harnessing science and innovation through the lens of the Science and Innovation Strategy. The discussion will focus on next steps in strengthening science and evidence decision-making and supporting innovation and technology at country level.
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