
Enhancing resilience in marginal agricultural areas: Can Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) play a meaningful role?

Virtual Meeting
 Rome time

Marginal agricultural areas are estimated to comprise about 1.8 billon hectares, globally, making up 15 percent of the agricultural land worldwide and 21 percent of the total global land resources, and home to nearly one-third of the world’s rural population, mostly poor in developing countries. They are found everywhere, including most of hyper-arid and arid regions, high-altitude mountain areas, lowland plains of coastal areas and most of the Small Island Developing States (SIDS). These areas face serious bio-physical and socio-economic constraints, characterized by poor soils, unfavourable climatic conditions and inadequate quantity and quality of water for sustainable agricultural production, that create major barriers for the livelihoods and socio-economic development of the people who inhabit them. Science and innovation serve as an essential foundation for building resilient marginal agricultural areas. Integrated science-based and innovative actions are needed for protecting the natural resources and reversing degradation of natural resources that leads to improved agricultural productivity and better livelihood opportunities. This event will present the problems faced by the marginal agricultural areas and highlight the role of science, technology and innovation in enhancing the resilience of marginal agricultural areas.

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