174th Session of the FAO Council - Morning Session

Plenary Hall (FAO Headquarters)
 Rome time

Written Correspondence Procedure – draft conclusions only
Item 7 Update on the Hand-in-Hand Initiative (CL 174/INF/6)
CL 174/8 – Report of the 137th Session of the Programme Committee (Rome, 6-10 November 2023) (paragraph 14)
Item 13 Update on FAO’s collaboration with other UN systems entities (CL 174/12)
CL 174/7 – Report of the Joint Meeting of the 137th Session of the Programme Committee and 198th Session of the Finance Committee (Rome,6, 8 and 10 November 2023) (paragraph 8)
Item 16 Status of implementation of decisions taken at the 172nd Session of the Council (Rome, 24-28 April 2023) (CL 174/LIM/3)
Item 17 World Food Programme: 17.2 Annual Report of the WFP Executive Board on its activities in 2022 (CL 174/15.2)
Item 20 Developments in fora of importance for the mandate of FAO (CL 174/INF/4; CL 174/INF/4 WA 1-4)
Item 21 Calendar of FAO Governing Bodies and other main sessions 2023-2025 (CL 174/LIM/1)
Item 22 Any other matters 22.1 Appointment of the Chairperson and the Alternate Chairpersons of the Appeals Committee (CL 174/LIM/5)

Topics: Conference-Council
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