Scaling-up agroforestry

Sheikh Zayed Centre (FAO Headquarters)
 Rome time

Agroforestry is gaining renewed attention and importance within global policy processes as it can provide many solutions to global challenges. Agroforestry can enhance livelihoods in rural communities, generate income and alleviate poverty, increase food security and nutrition, as well as help protect and sustainably manage natural resources and biodiversity, and build resilience to climate change. Despite its longstanding history and recognition of its benefits, there remain barriers in scaling up agroforestry. Broader support for agroforestry, at both the policy and technical levels, is required.

This Special Joint Event on “Scaling-up agroforestry”, is convened by the FAO Committee on Forestry (COFO) and the FAO Committee on Agriculture (COAG) at the occasion of the 174th Session of FAO Council highlighting the Joint Roadmap on agriculture-forest linkages. The event is a strategic opportunity to present FAO’s work on agroforestry to Members, showcase national experiences from Members and discuss ways forward for addressing the remaining barriers to agroforestry uptake.

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