175th Session of the Council - Day 2 - Evening Session

Plenary Hall (FAO Headquarters)
 Rome time

Item 13

FAO Country Office Network (CL 175/13; CL 175/13 Sup.1)

CL 175/9 – Report of the Joint Meeting of the 138th Session of the Programme Committee and 199th Session of the Finance Committee (Rome, May 2024) (paragraph 7)

C 2025/14 – Report of the 33rd Session of the Regional Conference for Africa (Rabat, Morocco, Senior Officers Meeting 26-28 March 2024 and Ministerial Session 18-20 April 2024) (paragraphs 36-38)

C 2025/15 – Report of the 37th Session of the Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific (Colombo, Sri Lanka, Senior Officers Meeting 31 January – 2 February 2024 and Ministerial Session 19-22 February 2024) (paragraph 27)

C 2025/16 – Report of the 34th Session of the Regional Conference for Europe (Rome, Italy, 14-17 May 2024) (paragraphs 40-41)

C 2025/17 – Report of the 38th Session of the Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean (Georgetown, Guyana, Senior Officers Meeting 11-13 March 2024 and Ministerial Session 18-21 March 2024) (paragraph 22)

C 2025/18 – Report of the 37th Session of the Regional Conference for the Near East (Amman, Jordan, Senior Officers Meeting 5-8 February 2024 and Ministerial Session 4-5 March 2024) (paragraph 45)

Topics: Conference-Council
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17:30 Rome time
17:30 Rome time