Presentation of the new FAO Country Policy Profiles (CPPs)

Virtual Meeting
 Rome time

ESA is organizing a presentation to introduce FAO’s new Country Policy Profiles (CPPs) to all colleagues. CPPs are innovative web-based semi-automated country reports that allow for dynamic comparisons of country policy contexts and national strategies to support country-level processes. CPPs map the policy environment by automatically retrieving information on existing policies from the FAO Food and Agriculture Policy Decision Analysis (FAPDA) database, juxtaposing this with relevant country-level multisectoral data trends obtained from other databases, to then pair and analyze all of it with overall national realities and specific context, which usually represent difficult challenges to solving trade-offs (e.g., Achieving SDG2 without breaching the 1.5C threshold).

By providing a multidisciplinary compendium of achievements, objectives, challenges and trade-offs, CPPs offer key information to feed into Country policy processes such as Country Strategic Foresight Exercises, notably concerning the analysis of selected socioeconomic, environmental and agrifood systems’ drivers, the identification of signals of possible futures, difficult barriers to progress, and the investigation of policy responses adopted so far to activate triggers for the transformation. Thanks to their semi-automated and structured coverage of all the countries, their flexibility and expandability, CPPs naturally lend themselves to Common Country Analyses (CCAs), United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks (UNSDCFs), and Country Programme Frameworks (CPFs).

The event will benefit from the view and experience of selected users which have contributed to the development of the CPPs and of potential users who will share their feedback.

Topics: Meeting
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