FM00 - The evolution of collective action of small-scale family farmers in the context of digitalization and concentration of market power

FAO Headquarters
Start: 11:00  Rome time

Digital Agriculture (DA) is expected to increase agricultural production, help adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change, bring about more efficient use of natural resources, reduce risk and improve resilience in farming, and make agri-food value chains much more efficient. This session will discuss how small farmers are harnessing the benefits of the ongoing and accelerating digital transformation and if these solutions are used diffusely enough to deliver at the scale that is needed. On the one hand, only well-resourced farmers really thrive on advanced digital technologies, thus widening the rural divide and exacerbating already existing power imbalances; on the other hand, collective action potentially allows the inclusion of small-scale producers in the design and governance of digital solutions, and in the negotiation of related data practices and business models. 

Topics: World Food Summit
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