Accelerating the future of agrifood systems transformation: Uptake and scaling-up of technologies and innovations

Sheikh Zayed Centre (FAO Headquarters)
Start: 12:15  Rome time

The future of agrifood system transformation depends on the adoption and scaling-up of technologies and innovations, including Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (SAM) and digitalization. Uptake and scaling of technologies and innovations remain very low in low- and middle-income countries due to multiple factors, including limited availability, access, and affordability. FAO plays a critical role in improving uptake and scaling-up of technologies and innovations as effective ways to transform agrifood systems. The FAO Science and Innovation Strategy, a tool to support the delivery of the FAO Strategic Framework 2022-31 addresses these barriers and improve adoption and scaling-up of technologies and innovations. This is being achieved by promoting new institutional models, digitalization, biotechnologies, foresights, research for development, and strengthening capacity of agricultural innovation systems, pluralistic extension services, and by promoting community-based learning, partnerships with private sector. Within this context, the side event will present some concrete examples from Members and from FAO’s recent initiatives in support of uptake and scaling of technologies.

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