Special Session - Update to FAO Members on Avian Influenza Situation and the Pandemic Fund (3rd call)

Sheikh Zayed Centre (FAO Headquarters)
Start: 12:00  Rome time

The ongoing occurrence of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreaks across the world has highlighted the urgent need for actions to improve biosecurity, enhance surveillance, rapid response mechanisms, strategic risk monitoring and communication to safeguard the poultry sector and protect livelihoods and economies. The outbreak has resulted in significant economic pressures and public health concerns, emphasizing the importance of proactive leadership in global animal and public health crises. The session will provide an update to FAO members on the current avian influenza challenge, outline FAO’s support actions and strategic initiatives, and share information on the 3rd call for proposals for the Pandemic Fund.

Topics: Meeting


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