Wood Energy Catalogue

What is the Wood Energy Catalogue?

The Wood Energy Catalogue is an online database and platform for knowledge and information sharing. It focuses on major initiatives, policies and regulations, programs and projects (hereinafter referred to as interventions) in developing countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. These interventions relate to production and consumption of woodfuel, such as fuelwood, charcoal, wood pellets, and their social, economic and environmental impact.

Purpose of the Catalogue

The Catalogue can help interested stakeholders, including policy makers, project practitioners, project developers, donor agencies, and researchers, to quickly find relevant information on interventions related to woodfuel value chains in different countries and regions.

Such information is normally dispersed in various government documents, project reports, presentations, research papers, and media coverage either in hardcopy or electronic form. By putting this information together in a database, this Catalogue can help save time and effort to find relevant information on initiatives in a particular country, implemented by certain agencies or organizations, funded by certain sources or donors, on particular technical interventions, or during a certain period of time.

The Catalogue is not intended to cover all relevant information on this subject in all countries, but is limited to important and closely relevant interventions based on online searches and contributions from partners. This Catalogue is an ongoing process in which data will be added by all concerned stakeholders.

Using and uploading data to the Catalogue

General users

Anyone may search the database by country, region, type of intervention, technical intervention, implementing agency, funding source (donor), or keywords, as well as browse the search findings online.

Registered users

Users who wish to contribute content to the database are invited to register as
subscribers in order to submit records, upload files and be informed of
future changes through regular updates.