فهرس الطاقة المستمدة من الخشب

Sustainable Energy for All Action Agenda of Uganda

البلدان التي يجري فيها التنفيذ

The SE4All Action Agenda for Uganda released in 2015 explicitly mentioned the followings directly relevant to wood energy: a) Using wood chips or briquettes instead of wood logs in tea industry; b) Dissemination of improved stoves or kilns using wood as fuel (bricks making, small scale lime production, tobacco, sugar, and fish smoking…); c) Dissemination of improved cookstoves in households, hotels, and restaurants; d) Dissemination of improved charcoal production systems.

الكلمات الرئيسية
Uganda, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, alternative energy, charcoal, woodfuel
نوع المبادرات
الاستراتيجية أو خطة العمل
مستوى التدخل
المستوى الوطني
الوكالات المسؤولة
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development; AfDB; SEforAll