فهرس الطاقة المستمدة من الخشب

From rainforest to charcoal - a video of DW Documentary


This video showed the linkage between deforestation and degradation of tropical forests in some African countries, such as Nigeria and the DR Congo, with the market demand for charcoal in some European countries, such as Germany, France, and Poland. It discussed about sustainable charcoal production and certification.  

الكلمات الرئيسية
Charcoal production, tropical forest, documentary, video, Nigeria, D.R. Congo, Europe, barbecues, certification, deforestation, charcoal trade
نوع المبادرات
الاستعراض الخاص بالقطاعات والدراسة
مستوى التدخل
بلدان متعددة
الوكالات المسؤولة
DW Documentary