فهرس الطاقة المستمدة من الخشب

Benin Gazetted Forests Management Project (2019-2026)

البلدان التي يجري فيها التنفيذ
The development objective of the Project is to improve the integrated management of targeted Gazetted Forests, to increase access of the main consumption cities to fuelwood produced sustainably, and to strengthen selected non-timber forest product value chains for forest-dependent communities.

The project development objective indicators include, among others, increasing the standing volume of wood energy plantations established by the project to supply the three major energy consumption hubs (Cotonou, Abomey-Calavi and Porto-Novo) and charcoal producers using energy-efficient techniques to carbonize wood for the purpose of transforming it into charcoal.

Relevant project activities include:

- Establishment of sustainably managed fuelwood production forests, with the objective of contributing to alleviate the demand from Benin’s major wood energy consumption cities--Cotonou, Abomey-Calavi and Porto-Novo.

- Improving charcoal production efficiency from natural forests: (a) technical assistance to identify and develop efficient, affordable, and scalable technologies for charcoal production; (b) sensitization and training of local communities and charcoal producers in improved carbonization techniques and the use of higher performance furnaces; and (c) construction of improved charcoal furnaces at the outer limits of GFs to incentivize charcoal producers to do transformation outside of the boundaries of natural forests, hence reducing bushfires and forest degradation linked to charcoal production.

الكلمات الرئيسية
fuelwood plantation, charcoal production efficiency, charcoal kilns, Benin
نوع المبادرات
البرنامج أو المشروع
الفئة الفرعية البرنامج/ المشروع
الحوكمة الفعالة, تعزيز الموارد/العرض, تحسين كفاءة التحويل
مستوى التدخل
المستوى الوطني
الوكالات المسؤولة
World Bank; Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (Benin)
الوكالة الممولة
World Bank / IDA