فهرس الطاقة المستمدة من الخشب

Uganda Energy Access Scale-up Project (World Bank, 2022-2027)

البلدان التي يجري فيها التنفيذ
Objective: to increase access to energy for households, commercial enterprises, industrial parks, and public institutions.

Components: Grid Expansion and Connectivity; Financial Intermediation for Energy Access Scale-up; Energy Access in Refugee Host Communities; Project Implementation, Support and Affordable Modern Energy Solutions. Total project cost: USD638 million.

The component on Energy Access in Refugee Host Communities (USD125.5 million) supports provision of energy access by facilitating increased access to renewable electricity and efficient appliances including productive use, and clean cooking solutions.

الكلمات الرئيسية
Uganda, energy access, scale-up, refugee, clean cooking
نوع المبادرات
البرنامج أو المشروع
مستوى التدخل
المستوى الوطني
الوكالات المسؤولة
World Bank; Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD)…