Wood Energy Catalogue

Sustainable Energy for All in Sierra Leone

Countries of implementation
Sierra Leone

The SE4ALL Rapid Assessment and Gaps Analysis for Sierra Leone was completed in 2012. The National Action Plans on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency were released in 2015 and Investment Prospectus released in 2017.

The Action Agenda released in 2015 mentioned one of the overall objectives as to investigate the potential for modern, sustainable and efficient forms of bioenergy, including improved and sustainable wood energy production, improved charcoal processing, and improved cooking stoves during 2015-2020.

The measures for achieving targets include followings relevant to wood energy: a) Formalizing the commercialization of firewood and charcoal; b) Promoting improved production and efficient use of fuelwood and charcoal; c) Promotion of efficient charcoal production; d) Promoting the selection and dissemination of adequate tree species for biomass fuels; e) Improving the efficiency and sustainability of the energy value chain, through participatory and sustainable forest management.

Sierra Leone, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, action agenda, national action plan, investment prospectus, improved cooking solution, fuelwood, charcoal, value chain, sustainable forest management
Type of initiatives
Strategy or Action Plan
Level of intervention
Responsible agencies
Ministry of Energy; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security; ECREEE; SEforALL