Wood Energy Catalogue

Sustainable Energy for All – Rapid Assessment and National Action Plans for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency – Togo

Countries of implementation

The SE4ALL Rapid Assessment and Gaps Analysis for Togo was completed in 2012. The National Action Plans for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency were released in 2015. The National Action Plans for Renewable Energy explicitly mentioned the followings directly relevant to wood energy: a) Awareness building among charcoal producers on the environmentally impacts of charcoal production; b) Study on the modalities of setting up credit mechanisms in collaboration with microfinance institutions to support charcoal producer groups; c) Disseminate improved woodfuel stoves and promote LPG as alternative cooking fuel; d)Revise forest taxes and royalties that affect charcoal and firewood production and trade to ensure that the market price of charcoal better reflect the production costs.

Togo, energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable energy, action agenda, national action plan, improved cookstove, fuelwood, charcoal
Type of initiatives
Strategy or Action Plan
Level of intervention
Responsible agencies
Ministère des Mines et de l’Energie (Ministry of Mines and Energy); Centre pour les Energies Renouvelables et l’Efficacité Energetiquede la CEDEAO (CEREEC-ECREEE); SEforAll