Wood Energy Catalogue

Rwanda Integrated Forestry and Livestock Development Project

Countries of implementation

Three of the project’s 6 components are explicitly about woodfuel: 1) the establishment of 5,000 ha and 3,000 ha in Kigali and Butare prefectures, respectively, of fuel-wood and pole plantations, to supply charcoal, firewood and building poles for the urban population of Kigali and Butare; 2) rural woodlots to supply firewood and building poles for the rural population; 3) experimentation in charcoal making by means of modern portable kilns, and development of simple and economical cooking stoves for the rural population.

Rwanda, firewood, woodfuel, woodlot plantation, charcoal, charcoal kiln, biomass, improved cookstove
Type of initiatives
Program or Project
Program/Project Sub category
Resource/supply enhancement, Conversion efficiency improvement, Efficient utilization
Level of intervention
Responsible agencies
World Bank; Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Rwanda
Funding agency
World Bank