Wood Energy Catalogue

Mozambique Urban Household Energy Project – Biomass energy component

Countries of implementation

The objectives of the project were to: 1) quickly enhance supply and significantly reduce energy costs for about 25 percent of households in main urban centers, particularly Maputo, Beira…; 2) continue the institutional and financial strengthening of the principal energy supply companies; and 3) significantly slow down the deforestation around the urban centers and to improve air quality.

One of the 7 components of the project was about woodfuels with a budget of USD3.5 million. This component was designed to address the urban woodfuels supply problem through the rehabilitation/extension of three existing fuelwood plantations, improved carbonization techniques and stoves, carry out a biomass resource inventory through remote sensing and mapping and help build up the institutional capacity for biomass energy policy and planning.

Th plantation was scaled back due to the high cost (USD500/ha.), compared to the expected revenue from woodfuel sales, the unpopularity of eucalyptus charcoal among users, and the difficulty of putting in place a satisfactory commercialization system. Technology to improve efficiency and productivity of charcoal production was introduced to the community, which helped doubling both the charcoal output and carbonization efficiency.

Mozambique, woodfuel, efficient charcoal production, improved cookstove, urban market, charcoal kiln, alternative energy, wood plantation, eucalyptus charcoal, biomass resource inventory, remote sensing, biomass energy policy
Type of initiatives
Program or Project
Program/Project Sub category
Effective governance, Resource/supply enhancement, Conversion efficiency improvement, Efficient utilization, Alternatives
Level of intervention
Responsible agencies
World Bank; Ministry of Agriculture (Mozambique)…
Funding agency
World Bank