Wood Energy Catalogue

Strengthening Sustainable Forest Management and the Development of Bio-energy Markets to Promote Environmental Sustainability and to Reduce Green House Gas Emissions in Cambodia

Asia and the Pacific
Countries of implementation

The objective of the project is to strengthen national sustainable forest management policy, integrate community-based sustainable forest management into policy, planning and investment frameworks and create markets for sustainable bio-energy technologies that reduce CO2 emissions. The following 3 components are closely relevant to wood energy:

(1)    Strengthen national policy, regulations and capacities for SFM to integrate bioenergy, biodiversity and livelihood considerations.

(2)    Promote integrated and participatory land-use, forest, and protected area management at the landscape level;

(3)    Promote sustainable wood energy production and markets for sustainable energy technologies that reduce demand on fuelwood, including efficient bioenergy technologies (including 500 ha of community woodlots on degraded forests for sustainable energy production; 50,000 households adopting improved cook stoves for household use and income generating enterprise activities).

Cambodia, biomass, wood energy, woodfuel, household energy, improved stoves, cookstove, community forests, GHG emissions, biodiversity, land degradation, climate change, sustainable forest management
Type of initiatives
Program or Project
Program/Project Sub category
Effective governance, Resource/supply enhancement, Efficient utilization
Level of intervention
Responsible agencies
UNDP; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Ministry of Environment (Cambodia)
Funding agency
GEF Trust Fund