Wood Energy Catalogue

Biomass Energy Strategy (BEST) Initiative


The Biomass Energy Strategy (BEST) initiative is a joint effort of the EUEI Partnership Dialogue Facility together with GIZ’s ‘Poverty-Oriented Basic Energy Services (HERA)’ programme. It aims to build awareness of biomass as Africa’s main source of primary energy and to highlight its relevance to poverty alleviation efforts, especially among decision-makers at policy level.

The focus of the initiative is on thermal applications of biomass energy in households, institutions and small and medium enterprises, i.e. what is considered the traditional biomass sector.

A Guide enlisted step-by-step guidance for the development of national biomass energy strategies: 1) Stakeholder analysis and team formation; 2). Baseline sector analysis; 3) Development of scenarios; 4) Development of the strategy; 5) Action planning; 5) Adoption and implementation.

Biomass energy, sector planning, governance, methodology, cross-sectoral management, national strategy, guidance, stakeholder coordination, data, scenario development, action planning, toolkit
Type of initiatives
Strategy or Action Plan
Level of intervention
Responsible agencies
European Union Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF); GIZ