Wood Energy Catalogue

Biomass Energy Initiative for Africa (BEIA)

Countries of implementation
Benin, Ethiopia, Gambia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania

The World Bank launched the Biomass Energy Initiative for Africa (BEIA) in 2010 to help modernize the biomass energy sector, as part of the Africa Renewable Energy and Access Program (AFREA). BEIA focused on technologies ranging from charcoal to briquettes and from high efficiency cookstoves to bioelectricity, using innovative delivery models and relied on private initiatives, social enterprises, and public–private partnerships.

BEIA supported nine innovative pilot biomass energy projects in eight countries.

-          Uganda—Promotion of Improved Biomass Top Lit-Up Draft Stoves; Promotion of Bioelectricity

-          South Africa—Promotion of Improved Biomass Rocket Stoves

-          The Gambia—Promotion of Improved Biomass Vesto Stoves

-          Tanzania—Promotion of Charcoal Briquettes

-          Rwanda—Promotion of Charcoal Producers’ Organization

-          Kenya—Scaling Up Biodiesel Production

-          Benin—Promotion of Social Biofuels

-          Ethiopia—Promotion of Ethanol Micro-Distilleries

According to a review summary, the project in Tanzania enabled 720 people in 12 villages to be trained in producing charcoal from agricultural waste, while the program in Rwanda helped a cooperative improve its charcoal kilns. Meanwhile, the Modernizing Biomass Energy in Benin program is promoting sustainable woodfuel production and a market management system for 300,000 hectares of forests. The projects in Benin, Ethiopia, and Kenya each also helped demonstrate the feasibility of small-scale locally produced and consumed biofuels.

Biomass energy, wood fuel, charcoal, kilns, wood plantations, briquettes, improved cookstoves, bioelectricity, innovative delivery models, private sector engagement, social enterprises, public–private partnerships
Type of initiatives
Program or Project
Program/Project Sub category
Resource/supply enhancement, Conversion efficiency improvement, Efficient utilization
Level of intervention
Multiple countries
Responsible agencies
World Bank; ESMAP