Wood Energy Catalogue

SPARK+ Africa Fund: A Clean Cooking Ecosystem Fund


The Spark+ Africa Fund is an impact Investment fund established by the Clean Cooking Alliance and Enabling Qapital to invest in companies throughout the clean cooking sector and value chain in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The Fund’s focus includes companies that manufacture and distribute clean cooking solutions such as biomass stoves, advanced biomass fuels, LPG and ethanol, and biogas systems; and distributors and consumer finance providers such as off-grid solar companies and microfinance institutions (“MFIs”) that will extend their services to clean cooking products.

The Fund will invest in debt instruments (~70%) as well as equity and quasi-equity instruments (~30%), addressing the growth capital gap of cooking energy-focused SMEs. While the Fund will retain flexibility to offer commitments of USD 1-5 million to investees, the average ticket size per investee is likely to be USD 2-3 million.

Financing, fund, impact investment, debt, equity, clean cooking, Sub-Saharan Africa, business development, private sector, SMEs, stoves, ICS, biomass, LPG
Type of initiatives
Program or Project
Program/Project Sub category
Conversion efficiency improvement, Efficient utilization, Alternatives
Level of intervention
Responsible agencies
Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA); Enabling Qapital
Funding agency
African Development Bank (AfDB) - Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA); European Commission