Wood Energy Catalogue

Biomass Energy Conservation and Sustainable Use Strategy (2014-2025)

Countries of implementation

This Strategy arises in the scope of the implementation of the New and Renewable Energy Development Policy approved by the Council of Ministers, through Resolution 62/2009 of October 14th, 2009, aiming to address measures and actions inherent to the challenges linked to biomass energy.

The strategy establishes measures to change from traditional systems to more efficient improved systems, as well as induces the adoption of other energy options for sustainable use of biomass resource. It calls for joint actions for the energy transition from the traditional to the improved or modern uses, as well as making the biomass energy market more structured, attractive and sustainable. The actions include:

• Standardize and introduce certified charcoal bags;
• Develop the system of markets for firewood and charcoal oriented, through the rules of the free market;
• Encourage active players in controlling the market cycle;
• Create a network of rural and urban markets for firewood and charcoal through warehouses community businesses;
• Licensing woodfuels throughout the value chain;
• Promote private investment in the forest sector, through the adoption of tax incentives, customs and structural;
• Reduce or exempt VAT in the first years of development of sustainable use projects of biomass energy;
• Introduce tax collection posts throughout the value chain as a way to guarantee revenue collection for the state;
• Introduce a differentiated surcharge to large consumers of woodfuels;
• Adopt the independent biomass energy monitoring and control system, which should be established to verify compliance with the payment of tax tariffs;
• Establish buying and selling warehouses in different locations and on public roads to inspection, control of transit guides and licensing of transporting energy resources (charcoal and firewood).


Mozambique, biomass energy, alternative, value chain, regulations; Sustainable Management of Biomass Resources; Markets and Prices; Institutional Development.
Type of initiatives
Strategy or Action Plan
Level of intervention