Wood Energy Catalogue

The Clean Cooking Planning Tool: A New Resource to Explore the Costs and Benefits of Transitioning to Clean Cooking

This is a scenario-based tool designed to help visualize potential transition pathways to universal access to clean cooking solutions by 2030. For a selected country or region, users can view (i) the 2020 state of access (baseline), (ii) the 2030 business-as-usual (BAU) scenario, (iii) the cost of inaction, (iv) the current policy/regulatory environment, (v) the estimated investment cost based on the user’s selected transition pathway and (vi) the estimated benefits of transition.
Energy access, planning, tool, clean cooking, costs and benefits, transition, pathway
Type of initiatives
Sector review and study
Level of intervention
Responsible agencies
World Bank, Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP),