Wood Energy Catalogue

Clean Cooking Explorer


This is an online, open-source, interactive geospatial platform, which integrates and analyzes geospatial datasets related to both the potential demand and supply of clean cooking services, enabling data-driven planning, coordination, and decision-making. The tool enables users to identify areas with high expansion potential as well as areas where assistance is needed, making it a useful tool for both policy makers and private investors.

It can create custom reports which summarize and visualize key spatial data and analyses outputs for the user selected geography and scenario. These reports empower users to share relevant information for a holistic approach in the clean cooking sector.

The tool is initially designed for the case of Nepal, which is currently the default country.

Clean cooking, planning tool, geospatial platform, datasets, demand and supply, Nepal
Type of initiatives
Sector review and study
Level of intervention
Responsible agencies
Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA)