Wood Energy Catalogue

Code Forestier (2002, Forest Code of D.R. Congo)

Countries of implementation
Democratic Republic of the Congo
The Forest Code covers the followings closely relevant to woodfuel production:

- For the production of wood, in particular firewood and charcoal, the operator ensures a sustainable exploitation of the forest in compliance with the clauses of the specifications appended to the contract or the provisions mentioned in the permit.
- The permit fixes the volume of wood to be cut or the tonnage of charcoal to be produced, valid for a period not exceeding one year.
- The conditions for the permit to cut firewood and carbonization a) a certificate indicating membership of the local community holder of the forest in which the exploitation is planned; b) a commitment to use improved charcoal production techniques; c) proof of payment of taxes and forest royalties for the past year.

Forest Code, law, D.R. Congo
Type of initiatives
Law or Regulations
Level of intervention
Responsible agencies
Ministère de l'Environnement et Développement Durable