Catálogo de Dendroenergía

Energy Efficient Production and Utilization of Charcoal through Innovative Technologies and Private Sector Involvement (Sierra Leone)

Países de implementación
Sierra Leone

Project objective: improved and more efficient use of biomass energy resources through efficient charcoal production and improved cookstoves.

Project components: 1) Policy and regulatory frameworks on the use of more efficiently produced charcoal and improved cook stoves; 2) Development of public-private initiatives for the improved and more efficient production of charcoal and the scaling up of improved cookstove production; 3) Improved, more efficient production and efficient utilization of certified charcoal and cookstove.

Palabras clave
Sierra Leone, charcoal, woodfuel, biomass energy, improved cookstove, energy efficiency, improved charcoal kiln, certification, climate change
Tipo de iniciativas
Programa o proyecto
Subcategoría de programa / proyecto
Gobernanza eficaz, Mejora de recursos / suministros, Mejora de la eficiencia de conversión, Utilización eficiente
Nivel de intervención
Agencias responsables
UNDP; Ministry of Energy and Water Resources; Environment Protection Agency - Sierra Leone (EPA-SL)
Agencia de financiamiento
GEF Trust Fund