Catálogo de Dendroenergía

Second Phase of Sustainable and Participatory Energy Management Project in Senegal (2010-2018)

Países de implementación

The objective of the project is to contribute to increase the availability of diversified household fuels in a sustainable and gender equitable way, and to contribute to increase the income of participating communities while preserving the forest ecosystems. The project has four components:

(1) Institutional reforms of the charcoal value chain – to address the political economy and equity issues (income and decision making) particularly in the (supplying) regions, and in the country as a whole.

(2) Sustainable wood fuels supply management – to finance technical assistance, logistical support and equipment to central and decentralized forestry services.

(3) Promotion and diversification of modern household energy – to finance technical assistance, logistical means and equipment for the Directorate of Petroleum Products and Household Energy and private entrepreneurs to support massive production and dissemination of improved stoves and alternative wood fuel; and

(4) Institutional arrangements for project implementation – to support government institutions and community organizations to play their rightful role in scaling up the program.

Palabras clave
Senegal, wood energy, woodfuel, charcoal value chain, supply chain, household energy, improved stoves, massive production, cookstove, alternative energy, community forests, deforestation, forest degradation
Tipo de iniciativas
Programa o proyecto
Subcategoría de programa / proyecto
Gobernanza eficaz, Mejora de recursos / suministros, Mejora de la eficiencia de conversión, Utilización eficiente, Alternativas
Nivel de intervención
Agencias responsables
World Bank; Direction des Eaux et Forêts (National Water and Forest Directorate)
Agencia de financiamiento
World Bank