Catálogo de Dendroenergía

Africa Clean Cooking Energy Solutions Initiative (ACCES) - Scaling-Up Access to Clean Cooking Technologies and Fuels in Sub-Saharan Africa


To address Africa’s long-standing energy challenge and build on new opportunities for transforming the cooking sector, the World Bank launched in 2012 the Africa Clean Cooking Energy Solutions (ACCES) initiative, aiming to promote enterprise-based, large-scale dissemination and adoption of clean cooking solutions in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The initiative addresses key barriers to sector development targeting consumers, enterprises, technology, and policy through the following supporting pillars: 1) Quality Assurance and Technical Support; 2) Consumer Engagement; 3) Business Development; 4) Access to Finance; 5) Policy Engagement.

Palabras clave
Clean cooking solutions, improved cookstove, clean fuel, dissemination, quality assurance, consumer engagement, business development, access to finance, policy engagement, sub-Saharan Africa
Tipo de iniciativas
Programa o proyecto
Subcategoría de programa / proyecto
Gobernanza eficaz, Utilización eficiente
Nivel de intervención
Agencias responsables
World Bank’s Africa Energy Group (AFTEG); Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP); Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves…