Catalogue Bois Énergie

Uganda Green Growth Development Strategy 2017/8-2030/1

Pays de mise en œuvre

Target practices/technologies to be scaled up in target agro-ecological zones (cattle corridor) -> Efficient kilns for charcoal production

Demonstrations: 100 units; Established with incentives 500 units: Established voluntarily through advice 50 units.


Planned Outcomes of the UGGDS (Table 10: Results Framework)

In the Area of “Supports the promotion of renewable energy investments and sustainable use other energy sources” -> Outcome for Resource use efficiency:

Biomass energy – domestic per capita consumption reduced by 50%, Energy efficiency for charcoal and brick kilns increased by 200%. Savings in wood supply per year – savings of 23.6 million tonnes of wood per year


Fuel wood is consumed at about 28 million tonnes/year of tree biomass and another 16 million tonnes of wood are annually are transformed into 1.8 million tonnes of charcoal using inefficient kilns

Mots clés
Uganda, wood, charcoal, kiln, efficiency
Type d'initiatives
Stratégie ou plan d'action
Niveau d'intervention
Agences responsables
National Planning Authority (NPA); Climate Change Department (CCD) of the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE); Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MFPED); UNDP