Catalogue Bois Énergie

Study on policy solutions for sustainable charcoal in sub-Saharan Africa


Table of Content of the study report

Introducing Charcoal: Expected Impacts of a Sustainable and Formalized Value Chain; Consider People, Landscapes and Governance. The Charcoal Value Chain: Procurement - Sourcing Wood; Charcoal Producers. Carbonization - Charcoal Kilns; Charcoal Briquettes. Logistics: Transportation of Charcoal; Wholesale and Distribution of Charcoal. Demand Side: Marketing Charcoal; Charcoal Cookstoves. Recommendations for Governance.

Mots clés
charcoal, sub-Saharan Africa, value chain
Type d'initiatives
Evaluations et études sectorielles
Niveau d'intervention
Agences responsables
World Future Council