Catalogue Bois Énergie

Gender equity in charcoal value chains in Sub-Saharan Africa


Previous studies suggest that women are taking on an increasing role in charcoal value chains. However, data on the role of women and gender relations in the charcoal value chain is limited. This article reviews and assesses evidence on the gender dynamics in charcoal value chains across Sub-Saharan Africa. It finds that gender differences and inequalities in the extent, nature and outcomes of participation exist. Such differences may influence the efficiency and sustainability of charcoal value chains. The authors propose a conceptual framework for incorporating gender analysis in future value chain studies in the charcoal sector.

Mots clés
Woodfuel, Charcoal, Gender, Women, Value chain, Africa
Type d'initiatives
Evaluations et études sectorielles
Niveau d'intervention
Agences responsables
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR); World Agroforestry (ICRAF)