Catalogue Bois Énergie

Mozambique Energy Development and Access Project – Woodfuel sub-component

Pays de mise en œuvre

The objective of the project is to increase access to electricity and modern energy services in peri-urban and rural areas in a sustainable and affordable manner. One of the project’s three components is about investment on rural and renewable energy, which has a subcomponent on woodfuel, i.e. promotion and  dissemination  of  improved wood  fuel  stoves  for  use  in  the  household and  small and  medium  enterprise  (SME)  sectors,  introduction  of  improved  charcoal  kilns,  and  support  to  inter-fuel  substitution for traditional biomass in households and institutions such as schools, clinics, etc. (with a funding allocation of about USD4 million).  

However, according to the project completion report, the planned activities on introduction of 500 improved charcoal kilns and support to inter‐fuel substitution for traditional biomass in household and institutions (schools, clinics) were cancelled; the target on production and distribution of improved cook stoves were downsized from 50,000 to 4,000.


Mots clés
Mozambique, firewood, woodfuel, biomass, efficient charcoal production, improved cookstove, charcoal kiln, alternative energy, institutional stove
Type d'initiatives
Programme ou projet
Sous-catégorie programme/projet
Amélioration de l'efficacité de conversion, Utilisation efficace, Alternatives
Niveau d'intervention
Agences responsables
World Bank; Ministry of Energy of Mozambique
Organisme de financement
World Bank