Catalogue Bois Énergie

India Energy Outlook 2021

Asia and the Pacific
Pays de mise en œuvre

This is a special report in the World Energy Outlook series (IEA, 2021). It explores the opportunities and challenges ahead for India as it seeks to ensure reliable, affordable and sustainable energy to a growing population. The report examines pathways out of the crisis that emerged from the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as longer-term trends, exploring how India’s energy sector might evolve to 2040 under a range of scenarios.

The report consists of 4 chapters: 1) Energy in India today; 2) Urbanisation and industrialisation in India; 3) Fuels and electricity in India; 4) Implications for India and the world.

Key messages relevant to biomass energy include:

-          12% of India’s energy needs are met through traditional uses of biomass: fuelwood, straw, dung, charcoal burnt in three‐stone fire or inefficient cook stoves.

-          660 million people continue the reliance on solid biomass, mainly firewood, as a cooking fuel.

-          Under the Sustainable Development Scenario, firewood and other traditional fuels would still be widely used for cooking by 2030.

Mots clés
India, energy outlook, opportunities, challenges, SDG7, pathways, trends, scenarios, electricity, biomass, cooking fuel, transformation
Type d'initiatives
Evaluations et études sectorielles
Niveau d'intervention
Agences responsables
International Energy Agency