Catalogue Bois Énergie

Modern Cooking Facility for Africa (MCFA, 2022-2027)

Pays de mise en œuvre
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Mozambique, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe
The Facility plans to provide 3 million Africans with access to clean cooking solutions by the end of 2027, initially in six Sub-Saharan African countries – D.R. Congo, Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe. It aims at improving health and climate by reducing indoor air pollution, avoiding CO2 emissions and mitigating deforestation. The Facility supports the use of cleaner and sustainable cooking fuels, such as sustainably produced bioethanol, biogas, electric cooking solutions and solid biofuels from sustainable sources.
Mots clés
Clean cooking, financial facility, Africa
Type d'initiatives
Programme ou projet
Sous-catégorie programme/projet
Amélioration des ressources / de l’approvisionnement, Amélioration de l'efficacité de conversion, Utilisation efficace, Alternatives
Niveau d'intervention
Agences responsables
Nefco – the Nordic Green Bank, …
Organisme de financement
Sida - Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency; European Union Global Gateway initiative;