Справочник по энергии, производимой на базе древесины

Green Charcoal Project - Addressing Barriers to Adoption of Improved Charcoal Production Technologies and Sustainable Land Management Practices through an Integrated Approach

Страны реализации

The objective of the project is to secure multiple environmental benefits by addressing the twin challenges of unsustainable utilization of fuel wood (including charcoal) and poor land management practices common in Uganda’s woodlands through technology transfer, enhancement of the national policy framework and promotion of Sustainable Land Management (SLM) and Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) practices.

 Project interventions include: 1) Data collection and improved coordination and enforcement of regulations governing the biomass energy sector, in particular those related to sustainable charcoal; 2) Dissemination of appropriate technologies for sustainable charcoal production in selected charcoal-producing districts; 3) Strengthening the capacity of key stakeholders in SFM and SLM best practices and establishment of sustainable woodlots.

Ключевые слова
Uganda, charcoal, woodfuel, wood, policy, woodlands, kiln, SLM, SFM
Тип инициативы
Программы или Проекты
Подкатегория программы/проекта
Эффективное управление, Увеличение ресурсов/снабжения, Повышение эффективности преобразования, Эффективное использование, Альтернативы
Уровень реализации инициативы
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD); UNDP
Финансирующее агентство