Справочник по энергии, производимой на базе древесины

Charcoal value chains in Kenya: a 20-year synthesis

Страны реализации

A literature review to investigate, document and map charcoal value chains from production to consumption in order to assess overall economic significance of charcoal and identify opportunities and priority interventions for developing sustainable charcoal value chains. 

The review shows that, charcoal value chains remain an important energy, livelihood and income source for many in Kenya but is increasingly associated with negative environment and health outcomes. However, in the short- to medium-term there is need to increase investments in the sub-sector and develop sustainable and competitive woodfuel value chains.

Ключевые слова
Wood fuel value chain; Charcoal; Biomass energy; Gender; Kenya; Greenhouse gases
Тип инициативы
Обзор и исследование сектора
Уровень реализации инициативы
World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF)