Справочник по энергии, производимой на базе древесины

World Bank’s Second Wood Energy Project in Malawi (1986-1993)

Страны реализации

The objective of the project is to reduce the gap between sustainable fuelwood supply and demand. Following the first wood energy project in Malawi (1980-1987) funded by the World Bank, this second wood energy project include the following tasks:

(i) Developing policy instruments and incentives to encourage tree planting on a national basis;

(ii) Increasing fuelwood production through tree planting by small farmers and through establishing a limited number of Government plantations in ecologically fragile areas; and

(iii) Reducing fuelwood consumption by introducing more efficient charcoal kilns and household stoves.

Ключевые слова
Malawi, wood energy, sustainable woodfuel, supply and demand, incentives, forest plantation, woodlots, charcoal, efficient charcoal kilns, cookstove, alternative energy, renewable energy
Тип инициативы
Программы или Проекты
Подкатегория программы/проекта
Эффективное управление, Увеличение ресурсов/снабжения, Повышение эффективности преобразования, Эффективное использование, Альтернативы
Уровень реализации инициативы
World Bank; Ministry of Forestry & Natural Resources
Финансирующее агентство
World Bank