Справочник по энергии, производимой на базе древесины

Minas Gerais Forestry Project in Brazil

Latin America and the Caribbean
Страны реализации

The objective of the project is to increase industrial wood production, reduce degradation of the native forests, and improve environmental protection.  The project covers the following components:

1) the establishment of up to 165,000 ha of forest plantations and the building of charcoal manufacturing kilns and related infrastructure;

2) the planting of about 40,000 ha of woodlots on small and medium-sized farms;

3) institutional development to strengthen the State Forestry Institute.

Ключевые слова
Brazil, forest degradation, forest plantation, charcoal production, charcoal kilns, woodlots, environmental protection, institutional development
Тип инициативы
Программы или Проекты
Подкатегория программы/проекта
Увеличение ресурсов/снабжения, Повышение эффективности преобразования
Уровень реализации инициативы
World Bank; Minas Gerais Dev Bank; State Forestry Institute
Финансирующее агентство
World Bank